Haunted by Wicked Problems?
/While work life rarely involves ghosts, vampires, or walking skeletons, it is not always without suspense. On occasion, you will be confronted with a frightening adversary that may make you want to run and hide. By following the below steps for wicked problem solving, you may find that there is nothing to be afraid of.
Step 1: Correctly assess and identify the problem or opportunity. Is it a trick or a treat? How prevalent is the issue? Where is it occurring? Why is it a problem? Set the scene and know the context of your problem.
Step 2: Determine who your stakeholders are. Who are the people or organizations who have an interest in what you do and have the power to influence the outcome? Are they Casper the friendly ghost (friends) or ghouls (foes)? What are their interests and are you able to pinpoint their concerns? Remember, lacking clear, meaningful communication with critical persons only strengthens the force of your opposition.
Step 3: Identify possibilities. This involves teamwork. Horror movie plots always separate main characters because Hollywood knows that people are not at their full capacity when alone. In your brainstorming efforts, include qualified, experienced group members who have knowledge of the topic or problem, are from various backgrounds, and are without dynamic issues. Seek solutions by framing issues positively, using effective brainstorming techniques, being open minded and creative, suspending judgment, and by having fun.
Step 4: Discover solutions. Settle on the solutions with the most potential, that best meets interests, and overcomes concerns.
Step 5: Test your solutions. Decide on a way to test the success of your actions. You can use peer reviews, focus groups, supervisor feedback or customer feedback to collect this data.
No reason to be haunted by your next challenge. The next time that you are confronted with an obstacle that seems horrifying, remember how to do wicked problem solving.